It is better before you find the problem in others, to try and identify it in you.



There was once a couple, married for many years. They were middle-aged. One day the husband after a long debate in his mind, concluded that his wife can not hear so well as in the old days, so he  thought she would need a hearing aid. Not sure how to address the problem to his wife, he requested help from the family doctor with who he discussed the problem. The doctor advised him to make a simple test to his wife in order to make a clearer idea of the so called hearing problems.

– This is what you have to do, said the doctor. Stay to about 10 m away from your wife and as if you have a normal conversation speak to her, tell her something and see if she hears. If you do not receive any response then go to 8 m away, then to 5 m and so on until you get an answer.
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Only a handfull of people will find this usefull.


Why does Reverse psychology works?


Reverse psychology is based on an emotional phenomenon called “reactance” that describes what in practice is that negative emotion that the mind generates when someone tries to convince us of something.
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How is it possible to train your brain and create new habits?

Leading personality


How to trick your brain?

It took me some time to understand the power of habits in our life. A while ago it seemed to me that having habits is boring, difficult, and takes to much time. I didn’t realize that many of the things I was doing were habits implemented without my permission. Continue reading

How to Manage Negative Feedback


leading personalityWe all want to hear only praise and good things about our work and ourselves, isn’t it? Unfortunately, things are not always that beautifull and we wake up with some negative feedbacks from our bosses, colleagues, family or people we interact occasionally. The secret is knowing how to accept this feedback and transform it into something beneficial to you: opportunity and motivation to become better.

To learn how to accept negative feedback you have to follow a few simple steps:

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